Does SellerSonar keep track of Amazon prices constantly?
Yes, our Amazon price history tracker works 24/7. This means that you will never miss an alert to take preventive measures and protect your business from unexpected surprises. Instead, you always have an opportunity to analyze a market situation and optimize your prices accordingly.
Can I set price alerts on Amazon without using additional services?
Unfortunately, you can’t set these notifications in your Seller Central account. But you are welcome to use our Amazon price checker - you even don’t need to connect your Amazon account to get started with ongoing price monitoring.
Can I track the price for any product on Amazon?
Yes, you can. Our tool doesn’t limit you to the number of ASINs for which you can track price history and price drops. Just add the list of ASINs you want to track and get instant alerts once the price is changed.
How does SellerSonar work?
SellerSonar algorithms constantly monitor and process data from Amazon to generate notifications and send price drop alerts that are important for you. SellerSonar doesn't have access to your Amazon account and never changes anything in it, so our solution is 100% safe and Amazon compliant.
We support all Amazon marketplaces!