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Scale Faster with Amazon Vendors Tools


SellerSonar’s Amazon Vendor software gives you a competitive edge with daily business insights on pricing, listing optimization, and more.

No Vendor Central access needed.


All you need to run a successful Amazon business in one place

Vendor Central lacks useful data? SellerSonar's features speed up decision-making and boost efficiency, unlocking your Amazon brand's full potential.

Inventory Management Alerts

Get instant alerts when your products are almost out of stock, out of stock, or back in stock. Keep the right amount of inventory and avoid going out of stock, so you never miss a sale.

Automate Competitor Monitoring

Stay ahead of the competition with daily insights on competitor pricing, keyword rankings, listing changes, discounts, and more.

Full Control Over Listings Performance

Avoid losing sales and protect Vendor’s brand by quickly addressing any listing issues. Get alerts for suspended listings, search suppression, and hijackers to stay on top.

Track Customer Feedback

Manage customer feedback properly to maintain a perfect brand reputation. Get alerts for new reviews, one-tap ratings, and changes to existing reviews, whether removed or restored.

Monitor your listings 24/7 with SellerSonar's alerting tools

More Features

More Features to Run Your Amazon Business

benefit title No Amazon Account Needed

Simply add Amazon brands using just the vendor ID, without needing access to Seller or Vendor Central accounts

benefit title Promotion Alerts

Stay informed with alerts for coupons and limited-time deals to boost your promotional strategies.

benefit title Amazon Keyword Rankings

Monitor your keywords' organic and ad position, track competitor positions to improve your keyword strategy.

benefit title Slack and Email Reports

Receive instant updates via Slack and email for seamless monitoring.

benefit title Insightful Data Export

Export critical data effortlessly for in-depth analysis and make data-driven decisions with precise insights.

benefit title Buy Box Tracker

Get instant alerts when you win or lose the Buy Box to protect sales. Check the history chart to track your win rate throughout the day/week/month.

Plans & Pricing

All plans support 21 Amazon marketplaces





50+ alerts

  • Product listing changes (Title, Bullet points, Description, Main and other images, Product Brand, Rating)
  • Parent ASIN changed
  • Top critical review gets a vote
  • BSR position changed
  • Best Seller badge gained/lost
  • Amazon choice badge gained/lost
  • Keyword Amazon’s choice badge gained/lost
  • Most Gifted badge gained/lost
  • Main and Sub-category changed
  • Promo deals appeared/removed
  • Seller appeared/removed
  • Seller’s price changed
  • Blocked (suspended) listings
  • Add to cart button appeared/removed
  • Out of stock/In stock/Almost out of stock
  • Keyword position changed
  • New reviews


Competitor tracking 40 alerts


Product reviews/ratings, Vine reviews


Keywords Organic Rank


Deleted reviews


Data export

tooltip Export data from Products, Buy Box sellers, Competitors, Keywords, Reviews and Alerts


AI-powered LQS Checker

start for free




60+ alerts

  • Product fee changed
  • Search result suppression
  • New Critical Top review appeared
  • New Positive Top review appeared
  • New Top phrase appeared
  • One-tap review added
  • One-tap review removed
  • + all from Basic (Lobster)
+Slack integration


Competitor tracking 50 alerts


Product reviews/ratings, Vine reviews


Keywords Organic Rank +Ad rank


Deleted reviews


Data export

tooltip Export data from Products, Buy Box sellers, Competitors, Keywords, Reviews and Alerts


AI-powered LQS Checker

start for free




70+ alerts

  • Buy Box won
  • Buy Box lost
  • Critical review removed/restored
  • Positive review removed/restored
  • Review description changed
  • Review title changed
  • Review rating changed
  • Critical review gets a vote
  • + all from Pro (Octopus)
+Slack integration


Competitor tracking 60 alerts


Product reviews/ratings, Vine reviews


Keywords Organic Rank +Ad rank


Deleted reviews


Data export

tooltip Export data from Products, Buy Box sellers, Competitors, Keywords, Reviews and Alerts


AI-powered LQS Checker

start for free


  • I have Vendor Central. Will it work?

    Yes, when it comes to Vendor Central, you can use SellerSonar adding Amazon Brand store/Vendor ID.

  • How can I check who wins the Buy Box?

    Set the seller IDs you want to track and receive notifications when any of them win the Buy Box. You can also view the daily distribution of Buy Box wins by seller.

  • Can I track competitor activity in real time?

    Certainly! SellerSonar enables you to monitor competitor listings, prices, keywords, BSR rankings and promotional activities with real time alerts. Our amazon vendor application provides frequent updates, ensuring you receive the most current information available. This allows you to stay ahead of the competition by making timely decisions based on up-to-date data.

  • How often are alerts from the Hijackers category (Seller appeared/removed, Seller's price changed, Buy Box won/lost) sent?

    Alerts are sent frequently, from every 10 minutes to an hour. You can track them in your SellerSonar account, via email, or by setting up notifications in a Slack channel.

  • How can I receive alerts?

    You can receive alerts in your SellerSonar account, by email, and in Slack channels. You can also divide products into groups, for example by different marketplaces, and send them to different emails or slack channels.