Seller Sonar 2With millions of goods on the online platform and various aspects to account for, how can you tell what is driving the clients’ actions?

You may use split testing on Amazon to evaluate your product name, product descriptions or even hero image to find out what works better.

Knowing what works will, in return, allow you to make decisions that will lead to higher conversions and profit for your business.

When you offer goods online, you can test absolutely anything, so why would you leave some important stuff to chance? A/B testing of an item allows you to bring your Amazon product -pages to perfection. So, in this blog, we will talk about what A/B testing is, explain how to carry out product testing, and give an analysis of different tools you can check to do Amazon A/B testing.

What Is A/B Testing on Amazon? 

If we define one mantra that all online marketers live by, it would be “Test everything.” Why leave anything up to fate in circumstances where all the things can be precisely measured and tracked? Or even worse, to your intuition. Test everything. And then test everything again!

You can do this by conducting split tests, often called A/B Tests: an option to run controlled and randomized experiments between two or more versions of an email, store or website, evaluating metrics like conversions, sessions, conversion rate, and, what is most important, profit.

Usually, when running A/B testing on a website, you should select an element of a webpage to optimize — for example, homepage design — make two (or more) versions of this page and use them simultaneously to check which one brings the best outcome. That way, some buyers will see your first design, and other visitors will see the second.

Nonetheless, split testing is a bit different for Amazon merchants. First, you will have to let each version of your product listing run singly for a certain period, as you cannot try out different versions at the same time. However, merchants enrolled in AMZ Brand Registry can now do simultaneous split testings of their pages within the platform’s Manage Your Experiments option. 

How to Test Products for Amazon?

There are many ways sellers can do split tests in the marketplace. You will have to conduct manual testing if you are not enrolled in the AMZ Brand Registry solution. However, if you’re part of this program, you can use access to the “Manage Your Experiments” option provided by the platform. Besides, you can leverage third-party software for Amazon A/B testing. 

Conventional Amazon split testing

A/B testing product pages on AMZ by hand can take time, but it may also significantly boost your profits and revenue. For this, you simply have to record listing metrics with the current product listing version for a specified period, for example, a month, then modify one aspect and record your metrics again. Next, compare the results for the two periods and check which listing version worked better. 

You may find your AMZ listing metrics by going to your Seller Central profile, finding Reports, and choosing Business Reports. Next, find “Detail Page Sales and Traffic By Child Item” on your left menu. There will be a spreadsheet with multiple data columns, for example, Units Ordered, Product Sales, Unit Session Percentage (your conversion rate), Buy Box Percentage, and Sessions. Here, you can also choose the dates you wish to check the report. 

Keep in mind to only modify one parameter at a time to maintain your results accurately. In addition, pick a long tracking period since you will not get accurate results if you modify your listing after a couple of days or even a week. 

Amazon A/B testing via the Manage Your Experiments option

This solution allows you to carry out simultaneous A/B testing on AMZ. Unfortunately, it’s open only to Amazon Brand Registry program members. It enables sellers to run traditional split tests, meaning that some visitors will get one version of the product listing while others will see the other one. Using this tool, you can check out different titles, A+ content, and main product images.

To use it, you need to find the Brands tab and click Manage Experiments if you are a brand registered merchant. Next, choose the experiment type, select an item you wish to test, fill in all the info that will be used in your test, and set its duration. Complete by clicking Schedule Experiment. 

Interestingly, you do not need to wait until the end of your experiment to check its results. Instead, you may view them after each week.

Split testing tools for Amazon listings

In addition to AMZ’s A/B testing tools, you may utilize third-party software and testing programs. For instance, among the most popular split testing tools available on the market today, you can check Listing Dojo, PickFu, and Splitly.

Nonetheless, to enhance your business, you can optimize not only product listings.

With SageMailer feedback management software, you can simultaneously test multiple versions of your AMZ review request emails and find the best ones.

Why Run Amazon Split Tests on Your Listings?

Spit tests on AMZ are vital to get interesting insights into what works for your conversions and where you need adjustments. In addition, A/B or split testing or your marketing strategy on the platform helps you try multiple parameters and gather understandings that you can implement across all your AMZ items and product listings. So, let’s drill down some of the main benefits of such an approach:

#1. Reduces bounce rate

Sellers put in a lot of time and effort to develop their website pages. Nevertheless, witnessing shoppers’ bouncing’ from your store without reviewing the pages or content can be discouraging and show that you must fix the efforts. If you’re noticing a raised bounce rate on your website, it’s time to optimize. For example, you can work on the fonts, headlines, or pages. Wherever you change, the testing allows you to get a perfect mix of parameters to catch your visitors long enough and increase the possibilities of sales conversions.

#2. Improves conversion rate

Split tests are efficient in creating content that might transform more website visitors into purchasing clients. But, of course, if you precisely develop your campaigns and take sufficient time. Observing what performs best for you and where you should add more effort becomes effortless. Sometimes it takes a bit more time, but it’s worth assessing the whole approach to help you get more leads when done aptly.

#3. Allows to make informed design decisions

While developing your website along with the brand’s visual approach, you must also consider your user choice. A/B tests help you define if there’s any issue area in your website and which variant engages your target audience best.

Through split testing, you may examine your website in-depth, including the layout text, i.e., in Subtitles, Headlines, Messaging on call-to-action buttons, Descriptions, and so on. It also helps you evaluate your platform’s visuals, i.e., Colors, Logos, Images, and Videos.

#4. Omni-functional

A/B tests help you to decide what your shoppers like the most. And while it allows you to evaluate the site layout, texts, or images, this tool can also benefit your offline promotional and marketing campaigns. Utilizing A/B testing, sellers can find out what functions best for their advertisement and establish their blind spots.

#5 Minimizes risk

Adding significant modifications to your website might cost you greatly; even at times, a big strategy change also requires a considerable amount. But with A/B testing, you can evaluate your target market before making a significant decision. Shortly, it will minimize unnecessary risks while helping you to target your audience with maximum efficiency and effect.

While performing the test, consider factors such as the festive season, holidays, and any of such events when preparing your campaigns because many external factors influence consumer behavior.

#6 Helps to get higher values

A/B split tests help get higher values for your services or products, provided you keep consistent efforts. For instance, once you find that some design is working well for your lower-end goods or services, you should use more split tests to obtain a more refined version. In turn, you should also carry out some tests for the higher-priced goods and services. Just a couple of twists and tricks and proper testing will help sellers to reach the point where they can get the brief, where the clients are willing to pay and where their products are delivering the best value.

Amazon Product Testing: Final Thoughts

A minor change to your AMZ listing might mean thousands of dollars made or lost. To stay ahead of your competitors and scale your business, you should test various aspects of your product pages to ensure it’s fully optimized and primed to sell. If not, you might be missing out on sales. 

We hope this article showed you the importance of A/B testing on Amazon and how this tool can enhance your overall performance. So now you are ready to split test! 

But suppose you do not have much marketing experience or wish to concentrate on other aspects of the marketplace instead of spending your time doing split testing. In that case, you might use other selling tools to boost your brand.

Register for a free 29-day trial and discover how SellerSonar can help monitor AMZ listings and make your business more successful than ever before.