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Competitive Monitoring Tool to Boost Amazon Sales

competitor research

Find out your competitor’s strategies and beat the top players. Monitor keyword ranking, listings, pricing, and BSR to better learn the market

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Why Do You Need Tracking Competitor Software?

Data-driven competitor intelligence via alerts, notifications, and reports helps you to operate and optimize your Amazon business more efficiently. Track your competitors easily with no access to Seller Central.

What Can You Do With Competitive Monitoring Software:

Spot most popular brands and items to inform your product selection better.

Unveil other sellers' strategies to attract more buyers.

Develop an action plan to stand out in a competitive marketplace.

Learn from your competitors' mistakes and adapt your performance accordingly.

How to Monitor Daily Changes of Product Metrics with SellerSonar?


It takes just a few clicks to add your competitors’ ASINs to your monitoring list. Monitor and check how the changes in the item's Best Sellers Rank, pricing, and reviews affect the sales. Track your competitors' changes and get instant notifications to see the whole picture.

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competitor research

You can add competing products by specifying their ASINs or using the Similar Products section in the Product Details tab. It’s as simple as that!

Benefit from SellerSonar now!

Keep Track of Changes in Competitor Listings

With competitor tracking software, you can check how your product pages compare to competitor product listings: price, rating, and review quantity, as well as listing descriptions, bullet points, and images. It helps to notice where you have some potential to get selling points against other merchants.

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Listing Analytics - Compare your product listings with competitors to research and study their strategies.

Listing Alerts - Receive daily email alerts based on custom triggers and rules related to changes in any product on Amazon.

Win the Market with Competitor Pricing Tracking

Competitive price monitoring software will provide insights into your customers' preferences and choices. We don't refer to just dropping your prices here... Here’s how our tool can help you.

Listing’s Price Changed Alerts - Track the prices of products in your niche 24/7, adjust your strategy in time to maitain or boost sales and avoid BSR drops. Get price change alerts for an unlimited number of ASINs to offer the best options for your customers.

Price Trends - Check how your price strategies influence your sales and marketing efforts with Buy Box price charts. Track the most important changes on the price history chart.

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Use Competitor Keyword Tracking to Strengthen Your Amazon SEO

The Keyword Rank Tracker tool helps you better manage your sponsored and organic SEO performance by providing you with both your keyword ranking data and your competitors' ranking data to determine which keywords drive the most traffic.

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Track Keyword Rankings - Compare your keyword rankings with your competitor's rankings and analyze which keywords your competitors use to rank higher in search results and lead with a superior organic reach.

Keyword Ranking History - Monitor changes in any keywords' rank history to increase organic traffic by identifying keywords that rank in the top position on the search results page to earn more clicks.

Analyze Competitor Product Metrics

Competitor Product Tracking is the most comprehensive solution for tracking how a group of products performs over time. Monitor various key metrics to identify potential opportunities and create a strategy for success on Amazon.

Real-Time Item Analysis - See key metrics for both your and your competitors’ products like price, rank, number of reviews and more over time on a graph to understand the product’s competitive landscape.

Best-Seller Monitoring - Monitor your competitors' BSR to respond to spikes and drops in sales and quickly adjust your sales strategy.

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