On Amazon, where millions of products vie for attention, ensuring your listings stand out is paramount. But how do you know if your listings are optimized to their fullest potential? This is where SellerSonar’s Listing Quality Checker comes into play. 

In this article, we’ll delve into the intricacies of this tool, exploring its functionality and how you can leverage Amazon listing audit to enhance your selling experience.

What Is Amazon Listing Quality Checker?

Amazon Listing Checker is a tool specifically tailored to evaluate the quality of your product listings. Provided by various services such as SellerSonar or SEMrush, the Amazon analyzer uses advanced algorithms to assess key metrics and adherence to Amazon’s policies and offers actionable insights to enhance product page performance.

What’s worth mentioning is that the tool caters to the distinct needs of different types of merchants. For example, private-label sellers can save time while optimizing their listings effortlessly. Agencies can impress clients with expert optimization services, enhancing their reputation. Finally, retailers can stay informed about market trends to make smart decisions and maximize their Amazon sales.

Amazon Listing Quality Checker

Why is listing quality important on Amazon?

Listings act as the virtual storefronts for products on Amazon. High-quality listings not only attract more attention from potential buyers but also contribute to building trust and credibility. In a competitive marketplace like Amazon, well-optimized listings can significantly impact sales and overall success:

  • Visibility and Discoverability: High-quality listings are more likely to rank higher in Amazon’s search results, increasing their visibility to potential customers. When a product page is well-optimized with relevant keywords, compelling titles, and detailed descriptions, it has a better chance of being discovered by shoppers actively searching for similar products.
  • Trust and Credibility: A well-crafted listing instills trust and credibility in potential buyers. Clear and accurate product information, accompanied by high-quality images and positive reviews, reassures customers about the reliability and authenticity of the product. This trust is essential for converting browsing shoppers into paying customers.
  • Conversion Rate Optimization: Listings that effectively communicate the value proposition of the item and address potential customer concerns are more likely to convert visitors into buyers. By providing comprehensive information, highlighting key features, and addressing common queries, well-optimized listings can significantly improve conversion rates.
  • Competitive Advantage: In a crowded marketplace like Amazon, where multiple sellers may offer similar products, product page scores can be a crucial differentiator. A compelling listing with unique selling points, attractive visuals, and persuasive copy can help an item stand out from the competition and attract more sales.

How does listing quality impact sales on Amazon?

The quality of your listings directly influences your sales performance on Amazon. Listings that are optimized with compelling titles, high-quality images, informative descriptions, and positive reviews are more likely to engage shoppers and convert them into customers. Additionally, well-optimized listings tend to rank higher in search results, driving more traffic to your products.

Finally, Amazon’s algorithm takes listing scores into account when determining search rankings and product recommendations. Listings that adhere to Amazon’s best practices and policies are more likely to receive favorable treatment from the algorithm, leading to increased visibility and exposure, more traffic, and better sales.

What Factors Contribute to Listing Quality?

Factors Contribute to Listing Quality

Several factors contribute to the Amazon quality of a product listing, each playing a crucial role in attracting and engaging potential buyers:

  • Product Images: The main product image is the first thing shoppers see, so it should be high-resolution, clear, and showcase the product prominently on a white background. Proper images according to the Amazon style guide help customers visualize the item and make informed purchase decisions.
  • Product Rating & Reviews: A high product rating close to 5 stars, coupled with many positive reviews, signals customer satisfaction and builds trust. Positive reviews serve as social proof and can greatly influence buying decisions.
  • Product Title: The title should be concise yet descriptive, incorporating relevant keywords to improve searchability without sacrificing clarity. An effective title communicates the product’s main features and benefits, enticing customers to learn more.
  • Bullet Points: Bullet points should highlight the key features and benefits of the product in a clear and easy-to-read format. They should address the customer’s main concerns and needs, providing essential information that helps shoppers make purchasing decisions quickly.
  • Other Images: Additional images on the product page showcase the product from various angles, highlighting its features and details. These images provide customers with a comprehensive view of the product, facilitating informed purchasing decisions.
  • Product Video: Utilizing videos to tell a richer brand story and provide more product information can increase conversion rates. Videos engage customers and provide a dynamic way to showcase product features and benefits.
  • Presence of Pesticides and Prohibited Words: Ensuring compliance with Amazon’s policies is essential for the page quality. Avoiding prohibited words or claims, as well as ensuring products are free from pesticides, helps maintain listing integrity and credibility.
  • Badges: Badges like “Amazon’s Choice” or “Best Seller” can significantly boost a product’s attractiveness to customers. These badges indicate a high-quality, popular choice among shoppers, providing social validation and increasing trust in the product.

How Does the Amazon Listing Quality Checker Work?

SellerSonar’s Amazon Listing Checker is an advanced tool designed to analyze and evaluate the quality of Amazon listings. Here’s how it works:

  • Data Collection: After entering the ASIN or URL, the tool gathers data from various sources, including the product page, customer reviews, images, and other relevant information.
  • Algorithmic Analysis: Using sophisticated algorithms, SellerSonar’s Amazon Account Checker evaluates the listing against predefined criteria. These criteria include factors such as product image quality, product title clarity, keyword relevance, compliance with AMZ policies, and more.
  • Report Generation: After the analysis is complete, SellerSonar generates your listing quality score on Amazon and a detailed report that highlights the listing’s overall score and provides specific recommendations for enhancement.
  • Continuous Monitoring: SellerSonar offers ongoing monitoring and quality alerts on Amazon listing, allowing sellers to track changes in product pages and make adjustments as needed to maintain optimal performance.

How accurate is the Amazon Listing Quality Checker?

Amazon Listing Quality Check by SellerSonar is highly accurate, thanks to its advanced AI-powered algorithms and continuous refinement based on real-world data. While no tool can guarantee perfection, it provides reliable insights that are invaluable for optimizing product listings on Amazon. Moreover, the SellerSonar team continuously updates and improves the service to ensure that it is effective in Amazon quality control and provides actionable recommendations for improvement.

Steps How to Use the Amazon Listing Quality Checker

Using SellerSonar’s AI-powered analyzer tool makes checking product page quality easier than ever. 

Step 1: Navigating to the Listing Quality Checker

Navigating to the Listing Quality Checker

Access the SellerSonar’s tool and enter the 10-digit ASIN or URL of the item you want to track. Press “Check” and allow our tracker to analyze the page. It may take a few moments before you receive the report.

Step 2: Analyzing the Listing Quality Report

Analyzing the Listing Quality Report

Once the analysis is complete, review the comprehensive report provided by SellerSonar. Analyze our recommendations and identify the parameters that need improvement to enhance your listing quality.

Step 3: Taking Action Based on the Report

Analyze the recommendations provided in the report and identify parameters that need improvement. Take necessary actions to optimize your listings for better visibility and sales.

Amazon Listing Quality Checker in SellerSonar app

We’re thrilled to unveil some powerful updates at your SellerSonar account designed to enhance your listings and sales strategy dramatically:

1. Introducing LQS for Each Product

Our new feature, the Listing Quality Score (LQS), is now in beta!

Listing Quality Checker | Check score

Log in to your SellerSonar account and utilize the new filter to spot products with the lowest scores quickly. This allows you to prioritize updates and boost the effectiveness of your listings with precision.So, visit the Products page, navigate through the LQS filters, and select the necessary indicators. Then, click on the LQS icon next to the product photo on one of the products, and a Listing Quality Score pop-up window with details for each LQS metric will appear.
Our list of metrics includes:
  • Product main image
  • Product rating
  • Product title
  • Product bullet points
  • Review amount
  • Top reviews
  • Product description
  • Product other images
  • Product video
  • Restricted Keywords
  • A+ Content
  • Promo and Deals
  • Product Badges
For each metric, you will see an evaluation and recommendation.

2. Stay Proactive with LQS Alerts

Get real-time alerts with detailed LQS scores. Understand immediately how any changes to your listings influence their power.To do this, go to the Alerts page in the service and look for one of these alerts:
  • Title changed
  • Description changed
  • Bullet points changed
  • Product rating changed
  • Best Seller badge gained/lost
  • Amazon’s Choice badge gained/lost
  • New Critical Top review appeared
  • New Positive Top review appeared
Additionally, in the near future, LQS will be added to such alerts:
  • Main image changed
  • Other images changed

Listing Quality Checker | Alerts

Important! To receive these alerts and recommendations for them, alerts must be enabled.

Each alert comes with AI-driven suggestions so you can immediately take smart, informed actions.

Listing Quality Checker | Title changed

3. Simplify Competitor Analysis

You can easily manage competitor data with our enhanced import and export features. Use our customizable templates to streamline your workflow and stay ahead effortlessly.

Listing Quality checker | Add competitors


As you can see, optimizing your listings is vital for success on the crowded AMZ platform. SellerSonar’s Listing Checker offers an indispensable solution, providing actionable insights to enhance your listings and drive sales.

But the benefits of SellerSonar don’t stop there. In addition to its Listing Checker, SellerSonar offers a range of product page monitoring features designed to help sellers stay ahead of the competition. From hijacker alerts to price tracking and review monitoring, SellerSonar provides the full range of features you need to succeed on Amazon.

Ready to take your selling experience to the next level? Register for a free 29-day trial and discover how our suite of tools can help you optimize your listings, drive sales, and achieve greater success on the Amazon Marketplace.

How can keywords be optimized for better listing quality?

How can keywords be optimized for better listing quality?
Are there any fees associated with using the Amazon Listing Quality Checker?

Are there any fees associated with using the Amazon Listing Quality Checker?
Can the Amazon Listing Quality Checker be used for multiple listings?

Can the Amazon Listing Quality Checker be used for multiple listings?
How often should the Amazon Listing Quality Checker be used?

How often should the Amazon Listing Quality Checker be used?