Imagine you’re a seller on Amazon, proudly offering your private-label product. However, to your surprise, you discover that someone else is selling the exact same product under your listing. How is this possible? You built your brand from the ground up and have no reseller agreements. This is when you realize that you’ve fallen victim to Amazon hijacking.

Listing hijack has become a growing concern for sellers in the Amazon marketplace. They come in various forms, ranging from Alibaba suppliers and Chinese counterfeiters to American scammers and automated bots. Their goal is to hijack your listing and steal the Buy Box, profiting from your hard work by selling counterfeit goods at lower prices.

In this blog, we’ll explore effective strategies to prevent Amazon hijackers from sabotaging your branded listings. Additionally, we’ll provide insights on how to remove a hijacker from an Amazon listing. So, let’s dive in.

amazon hijackers

What Is Amazon Listing Hijack? 

Amazon hijacked listing occurs when a third-party seller improperly takes control of an existing product listing that was originally created by another seller. These hijackers essentially “piggyback” on someone else’s hard work and reputation without authorization or permission. They exploit the established product listing to sell their own products, often resorting to unethical practices that can harm both customers and legitimate sellers.

What are the negative consequences of listing hijackers? 

The negative consequences of listing hijackers are significant and can impact both sellers and customers. Firstly, hijackers can manipulate the prices of products on the hijacked listing, leading to unfair competition and undercutting the original seller’s ability to compete. This can result in reduced sales, lower profit margins, and financial losses for the legitimate seller.

Another consequence is the sale of counterfeit or inferior-quality products by hijackers. These products can harm customer trust and satisfaction, as they may not meet the expected standards or functionality. This can lead to negative reviews, decreased customer confidence, and potential legal repercussions for the legitimate seller associated with the hijacked listing.

Furthermore, hijackers disrupt the customer experience by tampering with product information. They may modify descriptions, images, and other details, leading to inaccurate or misleading information for potential buyers. This can result in customer confusion, dissatisfaction, and potential returns or refunds.

Additionally, hijackers may manipulate product ratings and reviews by posting false positive reviews or tampering with existing ones. This fraudulent feedback can mislead customers and influence their purchasing decisions, ultimately compromising their trust in the listing and potentially causing them to have unsatisfactory shopping experiences.

Amazon Listing Hijacked: How to Spot? 

As an Amazon seller, it is crucial to stay vigilant and identify potential instances of listing hijacking to protect your brand and maintain a fair marketplace. Here are some signs that indicate your listing may have been hijacked.

Unauthorized sellers listing your products

One clear sign of listing hijacking is the appearance of unauthorized sellers offering your products under your listing. If you notice multiple sellers selling your branded products without your authorization, it is a strong indication that your listing has been compromised.

Loss of the Amazon Buy Box

The Amazon Buy Box is a coveted feature that allows customers to make quick purchases directly from a specific seller’s listing. If you suddenly lose the Buy Box, despite having a strong sales history and positive metrics, it could be a sign that a hijacker has taken control of your listing.

Negative reviews/complaints

Keep an eye on customer reviews and complaints related to your product. If you notice a sudden influx of negative reviews or complaints mentioning issues like counterfeit products, poor quality, or incorrect fulfillment, it could be an indicator that unauthorized sellers have hijacked your listing and are selling inferior or counterfeit versions of your product.

It is important to note that these signs alone may not confirm listing hijacking, but they should raise a red flag and prompt further investigation. To verify whether your listing has been hijacked, carefully analyze the sellers offering your product, review your Buy Box performance, and closely monitor customer feedback.

SellerSonar: Empowering Sellers with Amazon Notifications for Amazon Listing Hijackers

Imagine having a secret weapon that helps you tackle those sneaky Amazon listing hijackers. Well, that’s where SellerSonar product listing monitoring comes in! 

For private label sellers, SellerSonar hijacker alerts help protect their brand and profits. Such sellers invest a lot in building their brand’s reputation and quality, so spotting unauthorized sellers quickly is key to stopping any damage. By monitoring for hijackers, they can ensure customers get genuine products and prevent price undercutting, preserving their profits and brand image.

In turn, arbitrage sellers depend on finding the best deals and pricing strategies to make money on Amazon. Hijacker monitoring helps them stay competitive by alerting them to changes in prices and sellers. This way, they can adjust their prices to stay ahead and avoid any issues with Amazon’s policies, keeping their business running smoothly.

Let’s explore its features in more detail. 

Get lightning-fast Alerts

Get lightning-fast notifications

Our tool continuously tracks your Amazon listings and keeps sellers informed about any suspicious activity on their Amazon listings. For instance, the ‘Seller appeared’ alert notifies users when a new seller appears on their product, crucial for private label sellers to detect potential counterfeiters early. 

Buy Box lost/won

Additionally, the ‘Seller’s price changed’ and ‘Buy Box lost/won’ notifications help arbitrage sellers adapt their pricing strategies promptly in response to significant price changes from competitors. Thus, they remain competitive and maximize their chances of winning the Buy Box.

Stay one step ahead

BSR competitor tracking

SellerSonar’s competitor tracking tool is particularly useful for private label sellers, who rely on maintaining a strong brand presence and protecting their unique product offerings. With just a few clicks, sellers can effortlessly add their competitors’ ASINs to their monitoring list to monitor changes in Best Sellers Rank, pricing, reviews, and more. 

BuyBox Price

Moreover, it provides convenient charts, allowing sellers to visualize key metrics for both their products and their competitors’ products over time. By comparing factors such as Buy Box, BSR, rating, and keyword rank, sellers can identify opportunities to enhance their selling points and refine their strategies for success on Amazon.

Benefit from effortless reporting

export the notifications

Finally, with SellerSonar, you can export the notifications about monitored items in CSV or XLSX formats and use the convenient filters. Want to sort by ASIN to identify the affected listings quickly? Done. Need to filter by the marketplace to focus on a specific marketplace? Easy peasy. Looking to group alerts by alert type to prioritize your actions? Absolutely possible. With just a few clicks, you can navigate through the information and efficiently address the hijacking threats.

This is just a taste of what SellerSonar has to offer. To explore the features firsthand, feel free to check out our demo or schedule a live meeting with our expert. 

 How to Prevent Amazon Listing Hijacking?

When it comes to selling on Amazon, one of the biggest challenges sellers face is the threat of listing hijacking. These sneaky hijackers swoop in, stealing your sales and tarnishing your brand’s reputation. But fear not! There are effective measures you can take to keep those hijackers at bay. Let’s examine three powerful strategies. 

Enroll in the Amazon Brand Registry

Amazon Brand Registry

The Amazon Brand Registry program is a superhero in the fight against hijackers. By registering your brand, you gain access to enhanced protection tools and features. It not only helps you establish and protect your brand identity but also provides additional support in dealing with counterfeit listings and unauthorized sellers. With Brand Registry, you can swiftly report and remove any hijacked listings, reinforcing your control over your products.

Implement strong product branding and clear product photos

Building a strong brand presence is like putting up a fortress to deter hijackers. Invest in creating a compelling brand identity with clear product branding, including logos, packaging, and product descriptions. Additionally, ensure that your product photos are of high quality and clearly showcase the unique features of your products. When customers can easily identify your brand and product, it becomes harder for hijackers to deceive them with counterfeit offerings.

Utilize automatic Amazon hijack alerts

In the battle against hijackers, knowledge is power. SellerSonar offers automatic hijack alerts that notify you whenever changes are detected on your listings. These alerts act as your trusty sidekick, keeping a vigilant eye on your listings and immediately alerting you to any unauthorized modifications. Armed with this information, you can swiftly investigate and take action to remove any hijackers, ensuring the integrity of your listings and protecting your sales.

Protect Amazon Listing from Hijackers: Extra Tips

Protecting your Amazon listings from potential attacks is essential to maintain a strong brand presence and secure your sales. Here are some additional tips to fortify your defenses and minimize the risk of future hijackings.

Sell unique products

Sell unique products

Differentiate your offerings by selling unique products that are not easily replicated or found elsewhere. This reduces the likelihood of hijackers targeting your listings, as they won’t have easy access to identical or counterfeit versions of your products.

Review and optimize current listings

Regularly review and optimize your current listings to ensure accuracy, relevance, and competitiveness. Pay attention to product titles, descriptions, keywords, and images. By consistently improving the quality and visibility of your listings, you establish a strong presence that makes it harder for hijackers to compete.

Obtain trademarks for your products

Protect your brand by obtaining trademarks for your products. Trademarks provide legal protection and give you the authority to take action against unauthorized sellers. Registering your trademarks with the appropriate authorities adds an extra layer of defense against hijackers.

Bundle your products

Bundle your products

Consider bundling multiple products together to create unique offers. Bundling not only enhances the value proposition for customers but also makes it more challenging for hijackers to replicate and sell the exact combination of products. This strategy adds an extra level of protection to your listings.

Establish an independent website for selling your products

Diversify your selling channels by setting up an independent website to sell your products. Having an external sales channel gives you more control over your brand and reduces dependence on a single platform like Amazon. It also allows you to establish a direct relationship with your customers, mitigating the risk of hijackings.

Promptly address complaints

Monitor seller feedback and promptly address any complaints related to counterfeit or unauthorized sellers. By demonstrating a commitment to customer satisfaction, you safeguard your brand’s reputation and integrity.

Take legal action when necessary

In the face of persistent hijackers, don’t hesitate to take legal action. Send cease and desist letters, report violations to Amazon, and pursue legal recourse to protect your brand and listings from further harm.

How to report a hijacker on Amazon?

  • Visit Amazon’s Seller Central and navigate to the “Contact Us” page.
  • Select the appropriate category for reporting intellectual property infringement.
  • Provide detailed information about the hijacker, including their seller name, listing URLs, and evidence of infringement (such as screenshots, order details, and communication records).
  • Clearly explain how the hijacker is violating your intellectual property rights and harming your brand.
  • Submit the report and await a response from Amazon’s Seller Support team.

Remember, prompt and thorough reporting is crucial for a swift resolution. Amazon will review your report and take appropriate action, which may include removing the hijacker’s listings, issuing warnings, or suspending their selling privileges.


In the ever-changing landscape of Amazon, protecting your listings from hijackers is an ongoing battle. As you gain more experience as a seller, the lurking threat of listing hijacking becomes more real. But don’t worry! There’s a smart and hassle-free way to tackle this problem: SellerSonar.

This cutting-edge tool is designed to keep a watchful eye on your listings and give you an instant heads-up when someone dares to pilfer your product pages. Let’s face it, as a seller, your time is a precious commodity. Spending hours each day fretting over potential leeches on your sales is not an option. 

Ready to take a leap? Register for a 29-day free trial today!

What is a hijacker on Amazon?

What is a hijacker on Amazon?
How do I report a hijacker on Amazon?

How do I report a hijacker on Amazon?
How do I remove a hijacker from Amazon?

How do I remove a hijacker from Amazon?
What is review hijacking?

What is review hijacking?