Seller Sonar 1As the number of goods available on the Amazon platform grows, it is not a miracle that the marketplace also seeks to enhance quality.

If you wish to list your items for sale on AMZ, the platform needs you to have your product ID, also known as GTIN. They are essential because the marketplace uses them to monitor inventory as goods are moved in and out of AMZ fulfillment centers.

Nevertheless, there are cases when you can’t get a GTIN for your merchandise. For instance, when your product does not have an ISBN, EAN, or UPC. Therefore, you will need to apply for the Amazon GTIN exemption before being able to list such goods.

Let us take a wild shot. Are you well aware of GTIN at all?

Do not worry. You are not alone. We will explain everything you need to know about GTIN and help you get an exemption on your goods.

What Is a GTIN Exemption on Amazon?

Global Trade Item Number (or GTIN) is a unique sequence of numbers that determines particular goods beneath the barcode. However, it’s not the barcode itself. A Global Trade Item Number is a merchandise identifier number needed to sell goods in stores or on an online platform like Amazon. For those looking to sell on Amazon, including handmade products, GTINs play a crucial role in avoiding catalog mix-ups and ensuring inventory accuracy.

These merchandise identification codes allow you to manage inventory and ensure that your item is unique. Efficiently organizing and labeling products with the proper identifier helps retailers avoid data conflicts. GTINs come in several forms, including ISBNs, UPCs, and Part Numbers related to an SKU, to name a few:

  • UPC: A Universal Product Code, also known as GTIN-12, is a 12-digit numerical merchandise identifier most often utilized in Canada and the United States. Such an option is the most popular barcode type worldwide. You can find it on literally every physical item in a store.
  • ISBN: International Standard Book Number is a unique merchandise identifier for books. Based on the publication date, they can contain 10 or 13 digits.
  • EAN: A code mostly utilized in the European market.
  • Part Number associated with SKUs: It can work as an identity only with Amazon’s approval.

For those selling a list of products without existing GTINs, especially handmade products, an exemption request may be necessary. Sellers can apply for exemption approval to list their unique items on Amazon without a GTIN.

Requirements for an GTIN exemption on Amazon

Obtaining a GTIN exemption on Amazon requires meeting specific criteria and following certain procedures to ensure your merchandise is correctly identified and managed. A GTIN, or Global Trade Item Number, uniquely identifies products, but not all items naturally have these identifiers. This exemption is especially beneficial for sellers of handmade or custom-made items that lack GTINs. Understanding these requirements is essential for a smooth and efficient application process, enabling the successful listing of your products without needing a GTIN.

To apply for a GTIN exemption on Amazon, follow these steps:

  1. Approval from the platform: You must have an active professional selling account on Amazon in good standing, meeting Amazon’s performance and compliance standards.
  2. Unavailability of GTIN: You should not be able to obtain a valid GTIN for your products. This often applies to unique or custom-made items that do not come with manufacturer-issued barcodes.
  3. Proper identification of your goods: Ensure your product listings have accurate and detailed descriptions, including high-quality images, clear specifications, and any relevant information. The product category should match Amazon’s provided information, helping consumers find your products easily.
  4. Legitimate products: Your items must be authentic, new, and produced by the manufacturer or supplier listed. Amazon prioritizes the authenticity and quality of products to maintain consumer trust.
  5. Unique identifier: If your item has a part number associated with an SKU (Stock Keeping Unit), provide evidence that this is a unique identifier assigned by Amazon. This helps distinguish your product and aids in inventory management.
  6. No existing listings: Ensure there are no existing listings for the same product and brand on Amazon. If there are, confirm that those listings are controlled by you to prevent duplication.
  7. No restrictions or regulations: Your product should not be subject to any regulations or restrictions requiring a GTIN, including compliance with industry standards or government regulations.

By adhering to these guidelines and meeting the requirements, you can successfully apply for a GTIN exemption on Amazon. This exemption simplifies the listing process for unique products, allowing you to list products on Amazon without standard product barcodes and get your products in front of a broader audience. Creating a list of products without GTINs and pushing them through the correct channels on Amazon ensures you can get your products online and available for purchase seamlessly.

Why Does Amazon Need GTIN Numbers?

Imagine when an eCommerce retail platform like Amazon started offering products without IDs.

We’ll paint a picture for you. Merchants will start selling patented and copyrighted products without merchandise numbers to specify them uniquely. It is very likely that people might manipulate the system, as there would be no way to differentiate between goods and their merchants or origins.

Furthermore, item identification helps sellers increase the visibility of their listings, rank higher on AMZ search engines, and cross-promote their listings with relevant products.

Regarding product listing optimization, having a set of experts to look at your product pager or a third-party tool can help a lot. SellerSonar can help you discover the best keywords for your AMZ listings. The product tracker features also allow staying fully aware of the slightest changes in your AMZ business environment. Our software detects and notifies you of any issues with listings that may be potentially harmful to your sales and online reputation!

Am I Eligible for Amazon GTIN Exemption?

There are certain circumstances in which a merchant can apply for a GTIN exception:

  • The brand, publisher, or manufacturer doesn’t provide a GTIN for the goods you wish to sell. For instance, handmade goods or private-label merchandise. 
  • The goods you wish to sell don’t have barcodes; you’re the brand, manufacturer, or publisher.
  • You want to list product parts, and such parts don’t have a GTIN. 
  • You wish to sell a package that contains more than one item. For example, a pack including watercolors and a sketch pad.
  • The merchant offers a custom-made or handmade item that wouldn’t need a GTIN.

AMZ has provided a list of labels that need a Global Trade Item Number to list their goods in the marketplace. Such brands have already provided GS1-approved codes for their merchandise, so GTIN exemptions aren’t available for items under these brands. Therefore, if you list goods under these labels without a GTIN, your product listing will get suppressed. 

What Do I Need to Get Amazon GTIN Exemption?

If you’re planning to apply for an Amazon GTIN Exemption, you need to prepare the necessary requirements beforehand. These are the details you need to provide when you contact Amazon Seller Support:

  • Brand name
  • Image URL
  • Manufacturer name
  • SKU
  • Category name
  • Proof of product authenticity
  • Product name
  • Screenshot of the error message you received
  • EAN/UPC/JAN code

Make sure to have these details on hand when applying for a GTIN Exemption to avoid any delays in the process.

4-Step Procedure for Amazon GTIN Exemption

1 – Brand
When applying for a GTIN exemption, it’s important to select the appropriate category for your products and enter your brand name exactly as it was approved. This means using the same capitalization and special characters. Failure to do so may result in the rejection of your GTIN application.

2 – Proof
To proceed, you must upload 2-9 images of your product or custom packaging with your brand name displayed on them. Click the “Continue to Submit Proof” button and name your product.

3 – Product
When filling out the product name section, you can use your name, the actual title you plan to use in the listing, or simply name your product. Using your entire listing title is recommended to avoid any discrepancies between the product you’re trying to list and the name you provided.

4 – Approval
Once you have submitted your application, the process will take around 24 to 48 hours for review. At the end of the review period, you will receive a notification regarding the status of your application.
Now, let’s examine what the GTIN Exemption process looks like for brands and resellers.

How to Get GTIN Exemption on Amazon If You Are a Brand?
How to Get GTIN Exemption on Amazon

If you wish to know whether the goods you’re offering need a valid GTIN for each product, you may check Amazon’s catalog to see under what category the item is listed. For example, let’s say the item you’re selling falls under the ‘Exemption’ type. It indicates that the product you’re about to detail isn’t already listed without a UPC or GTIN.

However, if the item exists under the platform’s listings, you may check if it needs a Product ID or GTIN. You can also look for those exempt from GTIN goods and add them to your list under ‘Manage Inventory’ on your Seller Dashboard. These options can be found in your Seller Central profile.

Furthermore, if the items do not match the conditions, you may request the marketplace for an exemption before adding them to the list. As for listing your goods, you should mention each product’s name and upload at least two pictures from different angles. If you add the image, also include the packaging photo. Here is how to do it as a seller:

  1. The brand name you fill in should correspond to the exact brand name on the packaging.
  2. The pictures you add must be real and demonstrate the handling of the item or package.
  3. The product or its packaging must contain the brand name.
  4. Ensure that you do not put an approved GS1 code, as it can cause a negation of your exemption.

Keep in mind that if you ever get your brand name wrong, you may reapply by fixing it. For brands that require a GTIN, this process ensures that all your product listings are accurately represented on the marketplace.

How to Apply for GTIN Exemption on Amazon If You Are a Reseller? 

You must follow specific guidelines for enrolling in a GTIN exemption. AMZ differentiates between resellers and sellers by having different procedures for each. As a reseller, you need to include the following:

  1. You need to provide the addressee’s name or the individual who writes the letter and indicate their contact information.
  2. You need to indicate why an exemption is necessary for you.
  3. You need to provide your name, contact details, and address.

Now, let’s cover how to apply for an exemption. Just follow the steps below: 

  1. Sign in to AMZ Seller Central and click ‘Apply for a GTIN Exemption.’
  1. Click ‘Select’ and pick the relevant merchandise category.
  2. Choose the brand type if you’re selling unbranded goods, and type ‘Generic’ into the separate field. Also, spell the brand name precisely by paying attention to special characters and capitalization.
  3. Pick ‘Check for Eligibility.’ If the item doesn’t need a number, it will produce ‘Ineligible’ when you click the ‘Check for Eligibility’ button. Otherwise, proceed to the next step by choosing ‘Continue.’
  4. Now, you can upload your supplement letter. Or you may also pick ‘No,’ enter the merchandise name and add the images.

The Amazon marketplace may take up to 48 hours to reply to your application. So, you need to be patient until then.

What If I Am Not Eligible for the Amazon GTIN Exemption?

If the brand or merchandise category isn’t eligible for an exemption, your only choice is to purchase a UPC. Previously, you might buy UPCs from third-party vendors. However, AMZ now demands that all codes be bought from the authorized GS1. For US merchants, you can buy your UPC barcodes or GTINs from GS1US.

And even when you get an Amazon GTIN exemption, you must still plan to get a GS1 barcode in the long run. Thus, you can develop a sustainable business by offering your goods on other online platforms and offline retail outlets.

Key Features for Amazon Analytics from SellerSonar

SellerSonar offers a range of advanced features designed specifically for Amazon sellers. Let’s explore some of its key features that can help sellers drive their businesses to new heights.

Buy Box tracking and analysis

BuyBox Tracker

With SellerSonar’s Buy Box tracker, you can receive instant notifications when you win or lose the Buy Box, enabling you to stay informed and proactive. Additionally, you will get comprehensive analytics with insights into Buy Box winners and prices over specific time periods, empowering you to adjust your strategies and capitalize on market trends. 

Lastly, you can take advantage of a convenient visual chart that compares top-performing sellers by observing who secures the Buy Box throughout the day and the frequency as a percentage. This tool enables you to increase your sales opportunities, maintain competitiveness, and expand your business on Amazon.

Product review and rating analyticsDeleted reviews

SellerSonar’s product review and rating monitoring feature allows sellers to monitor and track customer reviews and ratings in real-time. By staying updated on customer feedback, sellers can identify and address any issues promptly, ensuring customer satisfaction and positive reviews.

All your testimonials will be stored in the Reviews tab. Additionally, SellerSonar’s review tracker offers the flexibility to sort reviews by various parameters such as product, marketplace, brand, store, gender, and rating. You can also choose to include only reviews with images, top-rated reviews, or deleted reviews, providing you with comprehensive control over your review analysis.

When you sort reviews by a specific product, you’ll receive a historical chart showcasing the reviews for that product along with top phrases. This feature allows you to see which phrases customers use most often in their reviews, providing valuable insights into what they appreciate about your product and areas that may require improvement.

Lastly, SellerSonar’s product rating chart provides valuable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of other sellers’ products, helping you refine your own offerings. You can review the quantity and sentiment of text and one-tap reviews. Additionally, you have the option to sort your reviews by product and period, allowing you to understand how your goods perform over time compared to other sellers.

Keyword rank tracker

Keyword rank tracker

Optimizing product listings with relevant keywords is crucial for visibility on Amazon. SellerSonar’s keyword rank tracker feature helps sellers monitor the rankings of their products for specific keywords. Tracking keyword rankings enables sellers to spot areas for enhancement and tweak their listings for optimization. In the Summary section, you can promptly assess your keywords’ performance, sponsored and organic ranks, and overall statistics. Additionally, you have the option to filter the data by brand or product for a more targeted analysis.

With SellerSonar’s keywords trending chart, you can keep an eye on keyword trends from the past seven days. By clicking on a specific keyword, you can investigate its full dynamics over longer periods for a more detailed analysis.

Keyword Statistics

Additionally, by adding competitor listings, you can track where their products rank organically and in paid positions. This helps identify top-ranking keywords, leading to more clicks. You can also compare your keyword rankings with competitors’ to see which ones they use to rank higher in search results and achieve better organic reach.

BSR monitoring

BSR Position

SellerSonar’s BSR tracker is a valuable tool for sellers that helps to gain valuable insights into the marketplace landscape. Using it, you can easily track your product’s Best Sellers Rank through simple charts and compare it with competitors in the same categories.

For instance, if your Best Sellers Rank suddenly drops, it could mean competitors are trying to harm your business. They might change your product category, take over your listings, lower prices to compete or use fake reviews to boost their rankings.

Product listing alerts

SellerSonar's Product listing alerts

Product listings are the first point of contact between sellers and potential customers. SellerSonar’s product listing alerts feature helps sellers maintain the quality and accuracy of their listings. With our tool, you set up over 36 types of custom notifications and timely updates via email or Slack whenever there are changes to your product listings. It ensures you can quickly address any issues and maintain a seamless customer shopping experience.

This is just a taste of what SellerSonar has to offer. To explore the features firsthand, feel free to check out our demo or schedule a live meeting with our expert. 

Final Thoughts

If you’re an Amazon FBA merchant, using GTINs for your goods is always right. It makes your goods look more credible and makes it easier for clients to search for merchandise. However, sometimes you cannot get GTINs for your item. It may often be true if you are a custom handmade merchandise creator or a private label merchant. In such rare examples, you may apply for a GTIN exception by using the abovementioned steps.

Don’t forget that you can make your FBA business successful and seamless with third-party tools like SellerSonar. Ranked as the top trustworthy and best-value solution today, it can help you with many tasks. From product listing tracking, competitor research, keyword research, and even product page optimization, SellerSonar will give you a competitive edge.

Sign up for a 29-day free trial now and check how you can benefit from the service!

What is a GTIN exemption on Amazon?

What is a GTIN exemption on Amazon?
How do I list on Amazon without GTIN?

How do I list on Amazon without GTIN?
Where to check GTIN exemption status on Amazon?

Where to check GTIN exemption status on Amazon?
How long does GTIN exemption take on Amazon?

How long does GTIN exemption take on Amazon?